Counterfeit Culture

The 25th Precept states, "A people without a culture exclusively their own will perish." Let us look at what has been done to our culture. Perhaps as much as anything else, Aryans, when free to pursue their own path, look for simplification and order. An easy example would be alphabets. The Oriental peoples formed written languages using thousands of symbols, all of which needed to be memorized and scribed with incredible precision. The Negroids remained incapable of producing any kind of written language. The Aryans, however, developed a system of phonetics in which five vowels and twenty-one consonants represented all the necessary linguistic sounds of our verbal _expression.

Simplification and order allowed the likes of Shakespeare and Kipling to leave their genius behind. Our languages are at the root of our culture, but only one of the many facets.

Many years ago, while in the real estate business, I noticed the difference in the order of Aryans and the chaos of the sons of Muspell, who now rule over all the once-White nations. I noticed that in subdivisions laid out 80-100 years ago, having names like Jones, MacIntosh or Wilson, the streets and avenues ran east-west and north-south. Blocks were either square or rectangular. Usually streets and avenues were numbered consecutively or were alphabetical. For example, in Denver, east of Colorado Blvd., the avenues are numbered 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Then the streets are named Albion, Ash, Bellaire, Birch, Clairemont, Cherry, Dexter, Dahlia, two a's, two b's, etc, with every second street named after a tree. A stranger coming to Denver could be directed to any address without fail. But then about 1950 subdivisions began to be named Pearlman, Goldman, Silverman, or have corporate names. Streets meandered about in a terrible mish-mash, among which even local police and fire departments got lost. It was an attack on Aryan culture. Always the sons of Muspell bring chaos to the order of Aryan lands.

Art is another example. In George Lincoln Rockwell's famous Brown University speech, he did a masterful job of lampooning Picasso and others of the "chosen ilk" with their so-called modern art. In reality it is the splashing of paint on a canvas by those without the talent or wish to create life-like portraits.

That our folk fall for such deception reminds me ever-so-much of the fable about the Emperor's new clothes. The whole kingdom, except for one innocent, honest child, pretended that the naked Emperor was dressed in magnificent finery. The herd forever desires to be politically correct and the masses are indeed asses. When we had a culture of our own, a person studied everything from anatomy to geometry for years before daring to call himself an artist. But so-called modern art provides instant gratification, and with proper connections or propaganda it is even rewarded with wealth and fame.

"The 'refined,' the 'rich,' the professional 'do-nothing,' the distiller of quintessence' desire only the peculiar and sensational, the eccentric, the scandalous in today's art. And I, myself, since the advent of cubism have fed these fellows what they wanted and satisfied these critics with all the ridiculous ideas that have passed through my head. The less they understood, the more they admired me! ...Today, as you know, I am celebrated, I am rich. But when I am alone, I do not have the effrontery to consider myself an artist at all, not in the grand meaning of the word. ...I am only a public clown, a mountebank. I have understood my time and exploited THE IMBECILITY, THE VANITY, THE GREED of my contemporaries. It is a bitter confession, this confession of mine, more painful than it may seem. But, at least, and at last, it does have the merit of being honest."

--- Pablo Picasso

Then there is dance. Again, when we had our own nations, our dance was stately and orderly. The Virginia reel, waltz and square dance are examples. Dancing was a kind of refined courtship. The Negroidal frenzy dancing of this age is simulated copulation, not courtship. This simulated copulation is usually accompanied by some cacophony, wrongfully called music, which invariably is played at a decibel level designed to attract the attention of aliens on some distant planet. The thumping of synthesized instrumentation drowns out any vocal lyrics, which indeed have no redeeming value anyway.

As recently as forty years ago, we had Doris Day and Patty Page. Compare their voices to the annoying screeches of Barbara Streisand and hear just how far we have fallen. In the forty plus years of rock'n'roll one would be put to task to think of five singers with the vocal talent of a Roy Orbison. Even so-called country music has been corrupted, which is self-evident when comparing Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn or Hank Sr. to today's performers.

How I wish young White people would or could, hear or see productions by Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Strauss, Beethoven, Rossini, Verdi and the other great Aryan composers. The 1812 Overture, the William Tell Overture and the Tannhauser Overture are Aryan culture at their finest. And 99% of today's youth haven't a clue. It is not their fault and it is oh-so-sad. But the alien destroyer knows that the further a generation is removed from its own culture, the less it cares about the preservation of the race from which it sprang.

Consider sports. In the first place, modern sports are just a reincarnation of the bread and circuses of dying Rome. As the Aryan-Nordic Romans mixed themselves out of existence with slaves and foreigners, the masses debated the talents of gladiators. Nowadays our youth idolize Negro athletes, virtually all of whom have harems of our last White women. Integrated sports are a perversion of the territorial instinct given to each race and species to ensure the preservation of their own kind. But now call a Negro "Denver Bronco" or "Dallas Cowboy" and he becomes more important than the survival of our own race. And of course, spectator sports are always a danger, at least when carried too far. Sports should be used to keep one's own body fit, not to entertain a couch potato.

We can see another indication of cultural decay in the behavior of athletes. In Aryan societies a man is taught to walk quietly and carry a big stick. Quiet acceptance of what fate declared was considered a sign of strength and maturity. A few years back a couple of Swedish tennis players named Borg and Edberg typified this behavior. Then came McInroe and Conner with temper tantrums and childish acts. And degenerate Americans loved this Semitic-Negroidal behavior. How far we have fallen.

When I was a youngster in high school, and a player scored a touchdown for the football team, he walked over to the referee and handed him the ball with quiet dignity. Now there is a primitive ritual of obscene, sexual gyrations as a victory dance.

Negative changes can be observed even in the new manner of conversation. In a Nordic country we demand personal space, and conversation is always from a distance of at least an arm's length. I first noticed the change in prison, as even White men try to stand with their heads inches from mine for conversation. I would back up and they would step forward. It is alien to our organic culture.

Also, in times past we were taught from childhood that unnecessary conversation was boorish and uncultured. The fact is, 99% of all human conversation today is inane, repetitious, pointless and boring. Additionally, no man can think while his tongue is wagging or someone else's gums are flapping in his ear. The more primitive the race, the individual or the culture, the louder it tends to be. The more advanced the race, an individual or a culture, the quieter it tends to be.

Just fifty years ago we were taught to think before every sentence uttered, and then to be precise. This business of "it's like...." "ummmm," "see what I'm sayin'," "it's like, you know...." "like, know what I mean, uh....." is total cultural decadence.

Priorities and perceptions are other casualties of non-Aryan culture. Today our couch potato TV addicts buy remote control TV channel changers so they can lay on their lazy, fat rears so they can be spectators of decadence on the electric toilet. Then, one day they see how fat and unattractive they are, so they spend hundreds of dollars on a gym membership to work the fat off. And of course, all it takes is the self-discipline to stop stuffing their faces with junk food. But then, self-discipline is essential to high culture.

On the subject of war, a decadent society without true culture becomes cruel. War is indeed hell, and killing one's enemies is part of Nature's decree. But, as a rule it is not customary that Aryans torture captives, nor should they needlessly kill the women and children. Dresden, Hamburg, Waco and Eisenhower's murder of a million POW's after the end of World War II demonstrate how far we have fallen.

Once upon a time, a "hero" was someone who stood till the end against all odds. Now America's "heroes" push a button and send a missile from hundreds of miles away to blow up helpless people, soldiers and civilians alike, and then give themselves medals.

We could go on and on with discussions of drugs, booze, divorce, abortion, but it is not necessary. In a decadent culture we accept whatever we see without question. Forty-five years ago I noticed that in nearly every movie, TV program, magazine or billboard advertisement and on and on, the male was dark-haired and darker skinned than the fair White woman. The idea of "dark is handsome" was promoted and still is without end. It was far, far too pervasive to be accident. Those in control of every aspect of life in the once-White nations were self-evidently programming our women for race treason, step by step.

The wondrous thing is that few notice until it is pointed out to them; even then no one seems to care. That is cultural pollution so powerful that it overrides even the Nature-given instinct for the preservation of one's own race. Religion is, also, an aspect of culture. Everyone knows that from the Pope to Billy Graham, the dominant religious leaders now promote breaking down all barriers to interracial marriage. We have no choice but to separate ourselves from every aspect of modern, so-called culture and rebuild our own. It will be a monumental task, but it is essential to our struggle. I attempt to demonstrate what our culture was and what it must become; others will fight the battle with migration and armed struggle. Each must serve to the best of his ability. Biological extinction is the inevitable consequence of cultural death. All must struggle with the fanaticism of desperation.

We must secure the existence of our People and a future for White children. Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth.

David Lane

Copyright 1985 and Into Eternity . All rights reserved David Lane / Pyramid Prophecy