August 2oth 2024 - Precept No 19

July 28th 2024 - 14 W

July 25th 2024 - Bruce Carroll Pierce

July 21st 2024 - United!

July 9th 2024 - 14 WORDS ALWAYS!

May 28th 2024 - 18 Years in the Great Halls of your Ancestors!

April 30th 2024 - Happies of Birthdays, We Adore You!

January 19th 2024 - Randy Evans

January 16th 2024 - Happiest of Birthdays RJM #71today

January 1st 2024 - Have a GREAT 2024 Folks! A big shoutout to Sara for all her hard work with fundraising and to Gareth for all his support and consistency!

December 21st 2023 - Blesses Yule / Winter Solstice

December 8th 2023 - Today We Remember Robert Jay Mathews - Never Forgotten!

December 6th 2023 - B&H Interview excerpt 2006

November 30th 2023 - Precept 12

November 29th 2023 - I would like to thank you again for the gifts you have sent to me over the past several months. Not only have I been able to afford extra postage, copies, typewriter ribbons etc. But I have also been able to replace things I have needed and I have been able to live without literally pinching pennies. But your gifts have also arrived at a time when I can most use the funds. David Tate

November 25th 2023 - An excerpt from Frank called Staying the distance from 1995

November 25th 2023 - An excerpt from an interview with Randy Evans

November 25th 2023 - An excerpt from Lads & Lassies by Bruce Carroll Pierce

November 23rd 2023 - An excerpt from Colin Jordans Introduction to Deceived, Damned and Defiant.

October 18th 2023 - David Eden Lane you are loved and missed, happy 85th birthday dear friend.

October 2nd 2023 - Adopt a Bruder

September 23rd 2023 - 14 Words

August 16th 2023 - Remebering Bruce Carroll Pierce today, wishing his family much love as they celebrate the life of their father. Rest Well Bruder Pierce!

August 3rd 2023 - RJM Quote

July 5th 2023 - David Lane

June 22nd 2023 - Mourning The Ancient Interview excerpt from 2002

June 19th 2023 - The propaganda of the Victors becomes the history of the Vanquished.

June 13th 2023

May those who lead be true
May those who follow be loyal,
So that we may be bound in a
Circle of unity and honour!

June 8th 2023 - David talking about Bob

May 28th 2023 - 16 Years Feasting in the great halls of your Ancestors, we miss you David.

May 14th 2023 - We would like to wish Bruce Carroll Pierce the happiest of birthdays, your sacrifices for your Folk will never be forgotten friend, feast well with your family and Bruders! Happy Birthday Bruce Carroll Pierce! WAU Sisterhood.

April 30th 2023 - 14 WORDS

April 30th 2023 - Happies of Birthdays Dearest Friend

April 13th 2023 - Precept 23

April 2nd 2023 - Continue to Rest Well Bruder 04/02/2018 -

February 21st 2023 - 14 Words

February 15th 2023 - 14 Words

February 1st 2023 - David Eden Lane comments on Bob.

January 16th 2023 - Happy Birthday BOB, you are missed by all your Bruders, Family, Folk & Friends. You still inspire us to love and protect our folk on a daily basis, today is your day! Hail RJM!

January 2nd 2023 - THANK YOU!

December 5th 2022 - Remembering Robert Jay Mathews all this week, and reflecting on all he sacrificed because he loved his Folk so much. If you are so inclinded please consider sending funds to one of his incarcerated Bruders so that they have a little extra this coming Yule. Thank you for remembering these wonderful men! Hail The Order!

December 1st 2022 - FUNRAISING

December 1st 2022 - Rise My Sons - Robert Jay Mathews

November 2nd 2022 - Happy 84th Birthday David Eden Lane - We Will Never Forget You!

September 14th 2022- David Eden Lane

August 29th 2022 Support Our Bruders!

August 16th 2022 Remebering Bruce Carroll Pierce today, wishing his family much love as they celebrate the life of their father. Rest Well Bruder Pierce!

August 8th 2022 Hail Der Bruder Schweigen

June 30th 2022 Hail Der Bruder Schweigen

June 16th 2022 Hail RJM

June 3rd 2022 Click on image below for the PDF File version! .

May 31st 2022 Click on image below for the PDF File of Davids Poem "Gods of Our Blood".

May 28th 2022 Still missed immensly dearest David

May 26th 2022

May 26th 2022

May 14th 2021

WAU would like to wish Bruce Carroll Pierce the happiest of birthdays, your sacrifices for you Folk will never be forgotten friend, feast well with your family and Bruders! Happy Birthday Bruce Carroll Pierce! WAU Sisterhood

April 30th 2022

April 29th 2022

April 27th 2022

April 8th 2022 We have reformatted / redesigned David's 88 Precepts PDF Download!

  • Download HERE

    April 5th 2022

    April 4th 2022

    April 2nd 2022

  • March 15th 2022 Members of The Order indicted on April 15, 1985.


    March 15th 2022 An Old Interview With Randy Evans has been added to the site!


    March 12th 2022

    March 11th 2022 - We added Summer Solstice & Operation Odin By Richard K to the Various Written Works section of the site to the menu on your right hand side. We also added Ode To Robert Jay Mathews by Marvin Gustafsson, POW & Hail The Order - by John Gann, POW to the Friends of The Order section under poems!

    March 11th 2022 - The Bruder site was deleted from the provider we had paid a lot of money to have online. It has taken us a few months to get the site paid for again and to upload each individual page. We are still missing some graphics, which you will notice on random pages throughout. We will do our best to get these back online ASAP! Be patient as we work to get it all back to its original state!

    January 16th 2022 - Happiest of Birthdays Robert Jay Mathews - Your Legacy Shines Bright Dearest Bruder.

    December 8th 2021 - On this day the 8th of December 2021, it is 37 years since Bob Mathews ascended into the halls of Valhalla. Bob exhibited both qualities of the lightening & the sun; his was a power harnessed for a life-affirming purpose and he sought to fight the decay of this world using whatever methods necessary to achieve a Golden Age state of existence. He truly was A Man Against Time.

    Whilst we never personally had the honour of knowing Bob, we have the honour of knowing his Bruders; men so genuine, sincere and honourable, men who give us the courage and inspiration to continue to fight for a future for our Folk; men who to this day, even after serving 36 plus years in ZOGs Gulags they still speak about Bob with the upmost admiration, love and pride in having stood by his side. W.A.U.

    Bob was a charming and sincere man. To know Robert Mathews was to know a man who was genuine, without deceit, whose personal sense of honesty was unfeigned and uncontrived. Robert Mathews was a natural leader, and no one else could have ever taken his place. Robert Jay Mathews had an absolute dedication to The Cause and creating a future for White children, and he put his life into it. David Tate

    November 2nd 2021 - Happiest of birthdays David Eden Lane! You are 83 years old today! We love and miss you. Our vow to you all those years ago to keep spreading your wisdom and light to our Folk continues!

    Feast Well David Eden Lane

    WAU Sisterhood

    September 15th 2021 - Hail David Eden Lane! Warrior, Friend, Mentor, Bruder!

    May 28th 2021 - To David Eden Lane, Our Bruder, friend and teacher! 14 Years feasting in the great Halls of Our Glorious Ancestors. Till we see you again dearest one! We will be adding more tribute images in as we get them. Hail D.E.L.

    With the Gods you ride
    In Memorial.

    "Let the Valkyrie decide who lives and dies
    And carry the warrior bold
    Home to Valhalla where his deeds
    In the sagas will be told."

    May 14th 2021 - WAU would like to wish Bruce Carroll Pierce the happiest of birthdays, your sacrifices for you Folk will never be forgotten friend, feast well with your family and Bruders! Happy Birthday Bruce Carroll Pierce! WAU Sisterhood

    April 30th 2021 - Happiest of birthdays Richard, our love for you is eternal! May the gods continue to guide you dear friend!

    April 2nd 2021 - Continue to Rest Well Bruder 04/02/2018 -

    March 15th 2021 We would like to thank you all for visiting this site, we are getting about 6500 plus visitors a month, we try to keep the site as updated as possible which isn't always easy. Should we do supporter shirts?


    February 11th 2021 - We need both laddies and lassies contributing to their fullest potential if we're to succeed. And we must have 100% cooperation and appreciate and recognize one another's talents and abilities and use them to the fullest advantage.

  • Read the rest of "Laddies &Lassies; by Bruce Carroll Pierce HERE"

    February 8th 2021 - David Eden Lane - Knowledge is a curse. For with knowledge comes responsibility.

    January 20th 2021 - Precept 86 - A fool judges others by their words. A wise man judges others by their actions and accomplishments.

    January 16th 2021 - Happiest of birthdays RJM. We will never forget you bruder, feast well in the great halls of our ancestors!

    January 5th 2021 - A big heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated to our Adopt A Bruder fundraising, we could not have supported the Bruders without your help!A huge shout out to Gareth who has been a huge support over the entire year of 2020, thank you kindly friend!

  • Archived Updates and News for 2020 can be found here!

  • Copyright 1985 and Into Eternity . All rights reserved David Lane / Pyramid Prophecy