Auto Biography Introduction


I was indicted in 1987 for conspiracy to violate the civil rights of a Jewish talk show host named Alan Berg. Mr. Berg had been a particularly vile, obnoxious and anti-White talk show personality on several Denver radio stations prior to his much deserved and little lamented departure from this mortal coil in June of 1984. At the time of his demise he was featured on the Rocky Mountain area's largest and most powerful radio station with the call letters KOA. He was rabidly Jewish and had caused embarrassment among the Chosen with outspoken commentary. After a trip to Israel he noted, "This time the Jews would either rule the world or blow it up." He had at one time been a lawyer for organized crime figures in Chicago, and his uncontrolled mouth was no doubt a source of worry to unsavory characters of all stripes. According to jailhouse scuttlebutt he, also, was involved with cocaine distribution and used cocaine to obtain the sexual favors of young girls. I have no way to verify the truth of the cocaine charges. At any rate, Mr. Berg was not the type with whom a reflective person would want his daughter to associate, to put it mildly. Someone, and we shall assume it was indeed Mr. Berg (because his obnoxious, White-hating voice has not been heard since), was the recipient of a large quantity of .45 caliber hollow point bullets on a June evening in 1984. At least that is the testimony of the ballistics experts from the FBI. At the trial the prosecutors showed photographs of the body. It certainly appeared to be Mr. Berg and his death was assuredly not from natural causes.

The Jewsmedia immediately began to speculate that "Neo-Nazis" or "Racists" were the perpetrators and bandied my name about. At the time I was living in Idaho and I promptly sent a letter to the Rocky Mountain News denying involvement and castigating them. I, also, told many people that I had no involvement. Of course, as I was to find out, under the ZOG rules of evidence only the government's perjured hearsay testimony is allowed in court. Within days after the assassination the Denver police came up with a witness that positively identified Gary Yarbrough as being at the death scene just prior to the event. However, this first attempt at framing "Racists" failed when it was discovered that Gary was visiting his sick daughter in a Spokane hospital at that very moment. Rather than getting into endless details that become simply a matter of my word against the government's perjury, I will discuss only a few essentials as can be proved from trial transcripts and other verifiable sources.

A Bruders Schweigen member who turned traitor told the FBI, when first captured, that I was with him in Idaho at the time of the Berg killing. Under pressure from the Feds he later began to change his story. Finally at trial time, according to Mr. Rader, I had left Idaho the day before the assassination. Furthermore, in order to get a conviction for which there was no real evidence they had Mr. Rader implicate himself in the killing to the extent that he is liable from his own testimony to the death penalty under Colorado law. Despite this, after his testimony he was given $100,000 and set free. Rader testified that he bought the gun that killed Berg, that he modified it to fully automatic and built a silencer for it, that he gave it to a hit team going to Denver to kill Berg. He testified that he knew of the target and could have stopped the killing, and that he welcomed the alleged team home afterwards. He further testified that the alleged team told him of their actions and that he helped conceal them from authorities. This is how the government creates its perjured testimony for their so-called trials under conspiracy laws. The Denver district attorney stated that there was no credible evidence to prosecute me or other Bruders for the Berg homicide, but there is no defense against government-created perjury in a Federal court. The only relevant evidence against me in the Berg case was provided by the perjured hearsay of three turncoats ttempting to save their own skin. First was Denver Parmenter who testified that I told him I was involved. The fact is I never saw Parmenter at any time after Berg was killed and could not have said such a thing. But there was no way to prove this. However, the other witnesses against me are a different story. Their names are Kenneth Loff and Thomas Martinez. When the FBI decided how to frame me they sent agents to the East coast to prepare Martinez, and sent others to the West coast to prepare Loff. To embellish the story, the Feds had them relate how I arrived in my ancient yellow Volkswagon. Loff was to say that I had several thousand dollars in counterfeit money that I was going to deliver to Martinez, and that I had newspaper clippings of the Berg killing. Martinez was to say that I arrived in the yellow Volkswagon, supplied him with the counterfeit money and showed him the newspaper clippings. The agents, however, screwed up and had me arrive at Loff's house in the state of Washington on the West coast the same day I arrived at the Martinez house on the East coast. Each perjurer testified to this at grand juries and the obvious impossibility was on record. Naturally, if this information were properly presented to a jury it would blow the government's whole game to smithereens. My defense lawyers refused to use it as they could and should have. In Denver the chief district judge is a Jew named Finesilver. The trial judge was a marrano Jew and was Denver's bussing judge. I was appointed a bi-sexual, pervert Jew named Bender as a defense attorney, and the prosecutor was a Jew named Kowalski. I was tried for violating a Jew's civil rights and the Jew media covered up all that went on in the perjury circus.

The government's case was further hampered by the fact that at the exact time Loff and Martinez said I was confessing the Berg killing to them, I was actually at the home of a lady friend in Colby, Wisconsin. I had arrived there by bus. I asked my Jew defense lawyer to subpoena her in order to destroy the perjury of the government witnesses. He informed me that my lady friend had suffered a fatal accident shortly before the indictment was handed down. Again, I cannot prove the Feds were behind it, but how convenient. Next I asked Bender to get copies of the bus ticket. He informed me that they were not sold by name. I said I knew that, but at each transfer point the stubs are torn off and kept; he said he would check. A few weeks later he told me that the building where the bus company housed their records had burned down. Again, how convenient. I could continue almost forever with the Federal treachery, but let me finish with the Judas reward for the turncoats. Mr. Loff and Mr. Martinez each got $100,000 for their testimony. I received an additional 150 years, for a total of 190 years in the Federal penitentiary with no parole possibility in my lifetime.

After the Berg trial in Denver I was taken to Fort Smith, Arkansas and along with 13 other men I was tried for "sedition." The indictment charged that we had conspired to violently overthrow the United States government. By then, however, I had been through two trials in Federal Courts and not only knew how the perjury circuses were run, but that system-appointed lawyers will not defend their clients. So I defended myself. The verdict of a jury in a Federal courtroom has absolutely nothing to do with justice since the so-called evidence is just part of a charade and the jury never hears the meat of the case. And a system lawyer is afraid to put the government on trial, so he will not attack the Federals' creative perjury as he could or should. I resolved to show the jury exactly what "their" government is. Four other Bruders Schweigen, also, defended themselves and we totally destroyed the government's case. The trial, being held in the bible belt, I felt it propitious to point out "their" government's promotion and even enforcement of immorality under both biblical and natural law. During my closing argument as I pointed at the prosecutors, calling them representatives of perversion, the jury was visibly disgusted with the government lawyers. All 14 defendants were found not guilty.

-Chapter 6 -Chapter 7

Copyright 1985 and Into Eternity . All rights reserved David Lane / Pyramid Prophecy